
Discovery Kite Course
This course will teach you everything from how to set up your gear safely and efficiently on land before going into the water; The safety training will teach and show you how to assess the wind and physical location, as well as show you how to properly manage the equipment; set-up; and control the trainer. Once we have covered these skills in theory we will practice them out on water so that when it comes time for your first session out on open water there won’t be any surprises! We want everyone who takes this class not only leave knowing more about kiteboarding than they did when they walked in but also feeling confident enough in their abilities that they are ready for their first session out on open water!
- SEA (Spot, Environment, Activity) assessment
- Hold, carry, and secure a kite on land
- Kite setup
- Safety systems use
- Pre-flight check
- Launch and land as an assistant
- First piloting and explore the wind window's edge
- Let go of the bar
- Twist and untwist the lines
- Fly one-handed
- Trim introduction
- Walk while flying the kite
- Launch and land as a pilot
- Wind window theory
- Inflight quick release activation
- Self-land
- Equipment packing
Average: 3-4 hours | Price:180 €

Intermediate Kite Course
Average: 3-4 hours | Price:180 €
Are you ready to become an independent rider? If so, then this course is for you! You’ll learn how to ride upwind, toe-side and focus on higher skills like controlling your speed by edging, changing direction without stopping, self-launching and self-landing safely. As an independent rider, you’ll be able to ride in a variety of conditions and enjoy the sport even more than before.
Average: 8 hours | Price: 360 €
- Control of speed by edging
- Ride upwind
- Sliding transition
- Ride toeside
- Jibe
- Self-launch
- Self-rescue and pack down in deep water

This course is for anyone who has mastered the basics of kiteboarding or already completed an IKO beginner course. You must be able to ride upwind without assistance, tack into the wind on both sides of the kite (no matter which direction it's flying) and have a good understanding of safety procedures including waterstarts/waterkiting.
Average :4 hours | Price: 180 €- Basic jump
- Power jibe
- Jump with a grab
- Jump transition
- Rider recovery
- Board recovery
- International kiteboarding signs
- ROW (Right Of Way) rules Average :2 hours | Price: 110 €
- Equipment
- Weather and tides
- Aerodynamics
Average :4 hours | Price: 160 €


The Freeride course is for those who are looking to progress their riding beyond what they have already learned. This course will teach you tricks like blind, aerial transitions, back-rolls, downwinder preparation and hooked tricks. You’ll also learn how to perform surface loops!
Price: 60 € per hourLevel 5 - Freeride

The Freestyle course is designed for riders who are looking to learn new tricks and techniques. You will be taken through a step-by-step process that will allow you to progress at your own pace, while learning unhooked tricks and kite looping yourself into zero gravity! We know how hard it can be trying something new, so we’re here every step of the way. Our instructors have years of experience teaching people just like you how to become better riders. They want nothing more than for you to succeed in this course!
Price 60 € per hourLevel 5 - Freestyle

Hydrofoiling is an art form that requires some skill and experience. The course will teach you the fundamentals of the technique, as well as give you the opportunity to practice on your own. You'll be able to navigate around the water with confidence knowing you have all of the knowledge necessary for successful flying in this new skill.
Price 60 € per hourLevel 5 - Hydrofoil

Wing foiling is one of the fastest growing wind sports. In this course you’ll learn everything you need to get started, progress and stay safe while winging. Learn how to set up and handle the foil board, master your riding skills on flat water and small waves, improve your technique in stronger winds with chop or swell, take it further by learning tricks like loops and rotations. You'll also be able to ride a wave face-to-face with other riders as well as understand what's going on around you so that you can make good decisions when out there on the water. This course has been designed for all levels from beginner through advanced riders who are looking for new challenges or just want more knowledge about their sport!
Average 1 hours per trick | Price 60€ per hourLevel 5 - Winging